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Are you a Special needs parent at your wits end?
Frustrated and overwhelmed?

Are you a curious special needs parent who would like to learn about options and connect with like-minded parents and special-needs specialists?


I was there once, too, and remember the hopelessness that comes with not knowing why I am here and what do next.

I am the father of 4 beautiful children with 3 completely different special needs situations, and have helped more than 300 other families.


The Award-winning Ashes to Diamonds program is specifically designed to help parents with special need children to move from Surviving to Thriving. This interactive group program:

  • heals hearts,

  • restores relationships,

  • saves lives,

  • and builds communities.

Parents provide the environment for their children to thrive in. By Supporting parents, we provide these children the best chance to become the best they can be.

We start with breaking isolation many parents experience, connecting them to like-minded community. Parents are infused with hope through hearing success stories. Then we make sure that hearts are healed and relationships are strong.


Parents discover for themselves that giving and serving from an empty cup is toxic to them and the people around them. Giving from an overflowing cup nourishes themselves and the people around them. This paradigm shift in week one, makes all the difference!


We connect parents with the leading medical experts in treating special needs children, focusing on solving the root causes of issues not just treating the symptoms. The medical needs of special needs children are extremely complex and unique, each child needs a holistic and customized approach to care.

Parents feel empowered, rejuvenated and develop a practical plan and support system to see it through.

The divorce rate of special-needs parents are currently in the high 80% just because of the immense pressure these parents have to endure. Many of us struggle but most struggle alone. It is the loneliness and helplessness that gets parents under. By holding a space for real conversations we create break throughs that was deemed impossible.

We help special needs families move from surviving to thriving.

Not sure if this program is a good fit for you?

Rate yourself with the following quz:

SPIRITUAL DOMAIN, on a scale of 0 to 10


Rate your spiritual wellness by asking yourself:


Do you believe in God, how is your relationship or are you angry/confused/scared?

EMOTIONAL DOMAIN, on a scale of 0 to 10


Rate your emotional wellness by asking yourself:


Are you able to manage your emotions or are they managing you?

PHYSICAL DOMAIN, on a scale of 0 to 10


Rate your physical wellness by asking yourself:


Do you eat well, and exercise and how much time do you have to self express through your talents and skills?

FINANCIAL DOMAIN, on a scale of 0 to 10


Rate your financial wellness by asking yourself:


Do you have a stable income, financial security, what happens to your special needs child when you are no longer here?

If you have rates yourself under 5 out of 10 on any of the domains, this Ashes to Diamonds program could be a good fit for you!

The biggest concerns that parents have with this program is: I don’t have 90 min in a week to give. The results have proven that parents find this to be the most important and productive 90 min in their week after the second week. Once people see results, they commit and then engage in a positive growing cycle that impacts the whole family and the community.


The other concern is TRUST. Why help me, why is it free and what is the catch? We are a registered 501(C3) organization who serves parents at no charge. We are funded by local businesses who believe in our work and want to invest in you through this program.



We are special needs activists who stand for equality and inclusion.




The Ashes to Diamond program is an interactive workshop specifically designed to guide people who have endured life-altering experiences, to move from Surviving to Thriving. It is a practical workshop where you will learn to give from an overflowing cup instead of an empty one and discover the power of proactive versus reactive living.




This is not a passive classroom where you receive information to go change your life. WHY At Brain Child Fund we believe that families are the building blocks of our community, and that includes single-parent families! Our mission is to restore our community, one family at a time. Your family and your future are worth fighting for!



During the 7 week journey, you will gain clarity on where you currently are, where you need to be, and exactly what steps you need to take to get there, in all four major domains of life namely Spiritual, Emotional, Physical, and Financial.

Every week you will have an Intro, Overview, Group discussion, and a Call to action (practical implementation)


You will embark on a reconciliation journey in your own life alongside other companions. Together we will gain tools and strategies to delve into our own lives and to discover the hidden diamonds within. All treasures found are yours to keep.



Mom from North Dakota

I had my one on one yesterday. It was quite intense, and I know I have never reflected on my life like this before yesterday. I was in a very trapped prison like state before our call. During our call I was fighting the feelings right away but Hannes had a way of making me feel safe, protected, and so calm. I’m not going to lie it was tough at that moment but so worth what I have now. I slept so good last night and felt so refreshed when I woke up. I feel like I can conquer the things I felt like were out of reach for me before the call. Literally a weight has been lifted off my soul! So grateful for this program, Brain Child Fund , and all of you amazing parents.


Dad from Texas

Hannes, thank you so much again for the call that was life changing. I learned that I was feeling lonely and scared and worried about the future based on my story. I realized that it was not possible to love myself or others to love me with my story I was carrying. Now that I am re writing my story I will trust in the Lord and have joy and hopefulness in him which will bring me excitement for the future. Thank you again and God bless you.


Mom from Pennsylvania 

I want to share again about my Experience of the Ashes to diamonds course.

I didn’t realize all the hurt and the load that I was carrying with me.

Hannes guided me on how to deal and get rid of all the things that happened to me and that I been carrying all my life!

I feel lighter and hopeful that I can be a better parent to my children.

I feel like a new person!

Thank again Hannes for your kindness and patience.


Mom from Texas

I want to share with you all what I did today. I have avoided both kids rooms as much as possible while they have been in school. All I could think about was all the times the kids played in them before our son’s accident. Even walking by sometimes would send me into the darkest feelings. I had zero intentions of doing it today, but I went into my daughters room and cleaned out everything that I was holding on to for sentimental reasons (I thought). But those things only brought complete sadness and are preventing me from moving forward. So today, I’m loading the entire back of my car and donating it all. Thanks to this course and this community I was able have this healing and brake through after 2 years of failed counseling. I am getting fighting fit again.



Mother from Ireland 

My journey with my daughter has brought up a lot of old feelings about my childhood. Not feeling good enough, being not wanted and never feeling listened to. My daughter’s situation has been difficult as it wasn’t something she was born with or something she got as an accident. It happened slowly and things got out of control. No one wanted to listen to me and I didn’t feel my daughter was good enough. But tonight I felt listened to and valued. I remembered that I am brave and I am so wanted and loved. I enjoyed Hannes prayer at the end. It felt like finally someone cared and valued our situation. I don’t feel als one anymore. This means the world to me.


Mom from New Zealand 

I had my one on one yesterday, to be honest going in I wasn’t sure what to expect. So glad I did so, felt a huge shift from trauma concerning my daughter. Released all the guilt I’ve been carrying. I felt such a huge weight lifted off my shoulders and cried out all type negative attachments. Feeling so light, blessed and excited about our future. God has continued to show his blessing on our lives. Thank you again Hannes, I so grateful for you and this program. God bless 🙌 🙏 ❤️


  • Keep confidentiality

  • Share authentically

  • Attend all 7 weeks arriving 10 min early

  • Be presentable

  • Treat others with respect

  • Share “As my view or my opinion”

  • Participate on WhatsApp support group


​Start Date - October 16th, 2023

Skip Week - November 20th, 2023

End Date - November 27th, 2023

Meet:  8:00- 9:30 pm every Monday



Meet and Greet/ course orientation/ Agreement / Worksheet 1



Overview/ Group discussion/ Worksheet 2 (Spiritual)



Overview/ Group discussion/ Worksheet 3 (Emotional)



Overview/ Group discussion/ Worksheet 4 (Physical)



Overview/ Group discussion/ Worksheet 5 (Financial)



Overview/ Group discussion/ Worksheet 6 (Putting it all together )



Guest Welcome and Info/ Course Overview/ Testimonies, Graduation

Brain Child Fund Image End-01-25.png

As we “slow down-to speed up,“ we go through every domain – Spiritual, Emotional, Physical and Financial.


As we engage and overcome we exponentially build our capacity to deal with things that comes our way in life.

Join us to learn how!

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